Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Now in England

Sorry Sorry everyone for my late message!
Last week was my first week here in England and it was so busy!
My parents brought me and they stayed for one night!
It was a very nice weekend with my parents and the family!
The two girls are so lovely!!

The left girl is Talli and the right girl is Darcy.

Windsor castle! I was there with my parents.

Were I live in England is very nice, there are shops and big cities in the neighborhood! I have also a car and I can go everywhere! It so different to drive at the other side! Tomorrow I go for the first time to the gym to Body balance and Friday I go to Body pump!

Happy me!

 I am also looking after this little dogie Bella!

I have a very nice room with my own bathroom!
It is a very nice family and it feels I am at home!

And you know that I love to cook!
This is my first English dish that I have cooked.
 My famous courgette soup (not ready) !
 Cooking with the children! 


  1. Wat een leuke foto's zeg! Heb je het naar je zin? Kom maar op met die verhalen, ik ben heel erg benieuwd!

  2. thank you so much for your lovely comment, dear! nice blog! everything looks fantastic! following each other?! wish you a wonderful day. I'm following you now.
    maren anita

  3. your new home looks very nice,you must have a lot of fun in england :)
    and thank you for commenting on my blog :) thats so nice of you :)

